Sunday, 26 April 2015

April - I'll keep it brief for once.

More photos than words this month - at least that is very much the intention as I begin this blog.

Plenty of outings in April mainly to HMWT Amwell & RSPB Rye Meads, other destinations have been, in no specific order, HMWT Waterford Heath & Panshanger Park; RSPB The Lodge, Sandy; River Stour at Mistley; Combs Wood at Bennington; Ellenbrook Fields at Hatfield; The Birds of Prey Centre at Cotton End, Bedford and my back garden.

Some of the highlights for me were (again in no particular order) :
  • Wheatear at Ellenbrook Fields, an unusually friendly and confiding male bird;
  •  my first ever sighting of a Whimbrel, at Rye Meads - I usually turn up on the first day the "target" bird has departed (as per Bluethroat!);
  •  Black-Necked Grebes at HMWT Amwell - although they kept their distance;
  • unusual trees at HMWT Panshanger Park (and a 3 hour walk around without getting even close to the lake!);
  • Nuthatches nest building at Amwell & providing good views;
  • Sunday lunch in the Red Lion at Finchingfield - not strictly blog material but I enjoyed it nonetheless!;
  • nesting Coal Tit at The Lodge, Sand
  • the arrival of warblers and other Spring/Summer birds across the piece;
  • and of course the Amwell Bluethroat - even though I didn't see it!
As you can see from my highlights, I am a simple soul and find pleasure in the simple things in life and especially in nature, and so to the pictures.

1. HMWT locations


Panshanger Park

Waterford Heath

2. RSPB Locations

Rye Meads

My first ever Whimbrel

The Lodge, Sandy & Fowlmere

3. Other Locations

Ellenbrook Fields, Hatfield - that Wheatear. 
 To quote Seymour Birdies "a cracker", you're not wrong!

The River Stour at Mistley, Essex

Combs Wood, Bennington

I came in search of Bluebells and found them!

and so to my final stop,  my back garden

April is almost done (at the time of writing), one of my readers "The Bearded Tit", is on his way to Spain for a birding break - have a great time, and no, I don't want to see the photos!  As for the others well I'll probably see you both on the trails somewhere!

If you enjoy it please let me know. 

Cheers - here comes summer!

1 comment:

  1. I'm back! And armed with a few photos! Looks and sounds like you had another great month! Congrats on the Whimbrel.


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