Thursday, 8 January 2015

What happened to December?

I do not believe it!

Can't believe that my last update was mid-November, what am I like!  However this was never going to be a regular occurrence more like something to do when the mood takes me.

I have been out & about round Amwell and RSPB Rye Meads through December and into January 2015 (Oh - Happy New Year to all or should that be both?).

From memory my personal highlights were:

@ Rye Meads:

- female Peregrine causing havoc around the Gadwall hide (19/12);
- male Sparrowhawk sitting in the bush to the right of the "Car Park" hide (19/12);
- 3 Coots trying to fathom out why they couldn't swim or walk on the ice;
- Fox walking across the ice in search of breakfast;
- Shelduck looking for a place to land.

Photos to support those highlights - generally in OK light for a change

Female Peregrine

Female Peregrine
Male Sparrowhawk

Coots on ice
Fox on ice
At Amwell it's been generally quiet and, on most of the days I've chosen to visit, has been overcast with "challenging" light for photos.  But I'm now armed with the new Canon 7D Mkii which, allegedly, handles poor light conditions really well.  We shall see in the fullness of time.

Highlights at Amwell were:

- Bittern spotted on 19th @ 4.15pm (photo to Herts Bird Club);
- Tree Creeper giving good views and photo opportunities on the path between James & White hides;
- Pair of Bullfinches in the same area as Tree Creeper;
- Stoat working through the old "Hornets Nest" tree on the same path;
- Displaying pair of Goldeneye - albeit at a considerable distance;
- incoming flocks of Canada & Greylag geese in late afternoon;
- a couple of lovely sunsets;

Orange glow of sunset on gull
and the photos . . .

Incoming Greylag Geese

Stoat in the Hornets tree

Displaying Goldeneye

Tree Creeper

 Happy New Year to all, enjoy your birding & hope to see you out & about.

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